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24TH aPRIL 2025 7.30-8.30PM

DNA testing (and not testing) among donor conceived young adults


Aimed at solo parents by choice (SPBC) through egg/sperm/embryo donation, this community-based café offers attendees the opportunity to discuss current research and developments within the donor conception world and talk about how they are trying to effect positive change. This is a safe space for reflection on the solo conception pathway. Everyone is welcome whether a member of the donor conception community or a student interested in the field.


Guest speaker

​This session we have a guest speaker:Dr Sophie Zadeh is a Reader in Family Psychology at the University of Sussex. Her research looks at families formed through reproductive donation from a psychological perspective. She has researched the experiences and outcomes of donor conceived people during different developmental periods (e.g., childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood). Sophie is the Principal Investigator of the recent Young Adults Study: Sophie will talk for 30 minutes and there will be 30 minutes at the end of the event for Q&A.


Talk summary

While media reports about the uses and outcomes of commercial DNA testing among individuals who are donor conceived are common, it is only recently that academic researchers have turned their attention to this topic. In this talk, Dr Sophie Zadeh will explain research findings from in-depth interviews and a nationwide survey conducted with young adults aged 18-32, focussing on their perspectives and uses (and non-uses) of commercial DNA testing. 


Where, when, how?

This event will be held on Zoom on Thursday 24th April7.30-8.30 pm. Free for all to attend.

This event has been made possible thanks to funding by Birkbeck College's Centre for Medical and Health Humanities and is in collaboration with UCL. STAG is collaboratively run by Grace Halden, Suzy Buckley, and Harriet Barratt. 


© 2024 by GRACE HALDEN

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